Kewulu Minangka Prepat I

Alexander Sebastianus Hartanto

Telupat – telu (three) and papat (four) – pattern was once reserved for the attire of the  Jogjakarta Kraton’s royal guardians, Abdi Dalam. The repeating sacred number three  black stripes and four blue stripes, binds the even and the odds of any individual from  any caste system, into a united entity/family. Kewulu minangka prepat, means the  

assembling of kinship.  

The vignette Ikat edges centers the repetition of line as trees into one whole forest.  This piece ruminates the weavers experience during a Waldeinsamkeit (an isolating  forest pilgrimage) as the dawn enters light.  

Technique & Craft; naturally dyed in Indigofera Tinctoria, native dye plant in Java,  each cotton thread is handwoven on a traditional ATBM floor loom by the artist  himself. Ikat dyeing technique, where the thread is bind/tied to resist from dye to  enter. Thread counts 3,000 threads /per meter, the cloth is mordanted and blessed  with sea water from the West Coast of Java.  

Handwoven Ikat dyed cotton. Framed with reclaimed wood 

144 x 97 cm 


PRICE Rp36.000.000
